6 Proven Ways to Stop Feeling Hungry

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Sometimes hunger just gets the best of us. Thankfully there are a couple of tricks to suppress your appetite. Try these 6 methods to stop feeling so hungry!

1. Practice mindful eating

Mindful eating can be practiced by consciously being more aware of the food you are eating during mealtime. Try to turn off distractions such as the tv or your phone. Instead, try and taste the food you are eating.

2. Chew more

If you’re like me and eat food super fast, this trick can be a gamechanger. Mindful eating will help you think about the food you are eating and remind you to chew your food more! It takes your brain a while to tell you that you’re full and if you eat too fast you are likely to overeat.

3. Sleep early

Sleeping early is not only good for your health and beauty it can also help you feel less hungry. A trick that I use is to try to fall asleep even though I feel hungry and when I wake up I don’t feel as hungry anymore. A sip of coffee can help curb your appetite as well

4. Eat more protein

When you eat simple carbohydrates, your body will feel hungrier quicker than eating protein because protein is digested slowly in the body and can help you feel fuller when compared to simple carbohydrates such as sugar. Eating more protein will be more nutritious and help your hunger pans.

5. Drink more water

Sometimes you may think your hungry but you might just be dehydrated. Try drinking a glass of water and see if it helps. You can also try drinking green tea as it has some caffeine in it which may make you feel full.

6. Chew gum

Gum can trick your brain into thinking you’re eating! The chewing motion and flavor of the gum can make you feel less hungry. Try to chew sugar-free gum so it doesn’t damage your teeth.

Do you have any tricks you use to feel less hungry? Let me know in the comments below!